An Improved Optimisation Model for Horizontal Pipelines Transporting Solid Liquid mixtures

  • Hawre Hussein School of Computing & Engineering, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK (HD1 3DH)
  • Rakesh Mishra School of Computing & Engineering, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK (HD1 3DH)
Keywords: Optimisation, Least-cost principle, Slurry Pipeline


The optimisation of solid-liquid two-phase flow pipelines is essential, to ensure commercial viability of these pipelines. A complete optimisation model needs elements of both mechanical design and hydraulic design to be included. In this work, an optimisation methodology has been developed that integrates both mechanical and hydraulic design aspects. The model allows determination of the size of the pipeline for adequate operational conditions and requirements that ensures least cost. All these models are interconnected together to integrate both the operational and commercial aspects into consideration. Robustness and user-friendliness are the two main features of the proposed model


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