COMADEM - Journal Aims & Scopes
The International Journal of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM) is the major interdisciplinary and proactive-based international journal covering all aspects of monitoring, diagnosing, prognosing, maintenance & smart management of all industrial assets (both human and physical) throughout its useful lifecycles.
Its primary aims are:
(a) to discover, generate & disseminate up-to-date knowledge,
(b) to network and collaborate between industries, academic and research establishments,
(c) to promote entrepreneurial and innovative culture,
(d) to promote international standardization,
d) to promote education and training at all levels.
This Journal is published in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield, UK & Lulea
University of Technology, Sweden.
Author(s) by submitting the manuscript to the International Journal of COMADEM agree to transfer the rights to COMADEM International UK with some exceptions as described in COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT available here.